In the midst of this pandemic, many are speculating that the aftermath will result in a baby boom or a rise in the number of divorces. Perhaps there will be a bit of both. It is undisputed that there are…
In the midst of this pandemic, many are speculating that the aftermath will result in a baby boom or a rise in the number of divorces. Perhaps there will be a bit of both. It is undisputed that there are…
Last week, as a guest on Dr. Drew Midday Live radio show, I was asked to comment about the phenomena that many divorce lawyers already know about. That is, the increase in divorces in January. Unfortunately, after the holidays and…
I was asked recently by a financial advisor in New York, to review and comment on a chart he had put together which was designed to help newly-divorced people in get back on their feet. The draft document I received…
A new law in California which goes into effect on January 1, 2019 gives Courts the right to determine custody and care of a pet both pending a divorce and as part of a final determination. This is a move…
This time of year is especially popular for special family events such as weddings, graduations, and bar/bat mitvahs. For families going through a divorce, these events can pose unique challenges. There is no obligation in Pennsylvania or New Jersey that…
The holidays are supposed to be a time of good will and cheer. For those going through a divorce, however, the situation is often not cheerful and may even be grim. With some thoughtful planning and the right outlook, however,…
As a divorce lawyer, I have met with countless clients who claim they were blindsided by a divorce. While they may have seen signs that something was wrong in the marriage, they chose to ignore them hoping that things would…
Today I was interviewed on television [see clip here] about a new type of divorce party. This is not a situation where a newly single person celebrates their freedom from an unhappy marriage, rather, this new type of divorce party…
In our increasingly mobile society, it is not uncommon for couples to relocate numerous times throughout their marriage and acquire property and assets in different states. When a divorce dissolves the marriage and forces a distribution of assets spread…
Pennsylvania allows parties to a divorce action to seek both no-fault and fault divorces. While fault remains available, the overwhelming majority of divorces are granted under no-fault grounds. The statutory framework for no-fault grounds for divorce are contained in 23…